2008 Washington Avenue
City directories first show this address in 1948, occupied by “Lemuel” Jackson, a laborer at the commercial bakery Jack’s Cookies, and his wife Daisy. Subsequent directories into the 1960s list him as “Lieutenant” Jackson (apparently a given name, not a military rank). By 1961 he worked at A&P (possibly the A&P grocery warehouse off West Morehead Street) and she worked at Jack’s Cookies.
In 1948 the Ranch style was almost unheard of in Charlotte, just beginning to appear in the architectural press. It seems unlikely that a laborer would build such a fashion-forward house. Building permit data indicate that Jackson expanded the dwelling at least twice, in 1958 and 1963. It is possible that the main gable-roofed block is the original house; additions may include an enclosed front porch (where the picture window is) and a front gabled wing, perhaps all pulled together with a new brick exterior.

At first glance this appears to be a modest Ranch style house dating from the 1950s. Its horizontality, low-pitched roofs, brick exterior, and the large horizontal “picture” window in the living room are characteristic of the Ranch style. But its history indicates that it may have started as a more modest cottage, renovated over the years to this current appearance.
Building permits
Date issued: August 2, 1958
Owner: L.T. Jackson (permit issued to Daisy Jackson)
Estimated cost:
Other permit info: Addition
Date issued: June 7, 1963
Owner: Daisy Jackson
Estimated cost: $2000
Other permit info: kitchen addition at rear
First appeared in city directory
1948 – Lemuel Jackson & Daisy.
He: Laborer, Jack’s Cookies. She: no occupation listed
1950-56 city directories – Lieutenant Jackson (renter)
1961 – Lieutenant Jackson (owner) & Daisy M.
He: Employed, A&P. She: Serv Wn, Jack’s Cookie.
1982 – Larry Jackson