1712 Madison Avenue
Built 1953-54 for Robert Person, Jr., a counselor at Mecklenburg County Juvenile Court and his wife Dorothy H. Person, an assistant librarian with the Charlotte Public Library system.
Person came to Charlotte after earning his Masters in Social Work at Atlanta University in 1948. His thesis documented the John Avery Boys Club, founded in Durham, North Carolina by the local Negro Citizens League to help youth in poverty. That task — building institutions to assist youngsters struggling against poverty — would be Person’s life-long calling.
Person’s accomplishments as counselor in Charlotte’s Juvenile Court — at a time when few African Americans held professional positions in the justice system — won respect statewide. North Carolina Governor Luther Hodges appointed Person in 1959 to the state’s “advisory committee for the state training school for Negro children at Goldsboro,” a facility for juvenile delinquents. The University of North Carolina brought him in as a part-time lecturer in the early 1970s in its School of Social Work in Chapel Hill.
When U.S. Government funds began to be available to cities as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s war on Poverty, Robert Person stepped into leadership roles. In the late 1960s, he took charge of the Charlotte Area Fund which managed local grants under the various anti-poverty programs. In the 1970s Person directed the Charlotte office of the Manpower Program, a federal initiative to train and employ jobless youth.
Robert Person, Jr., was an active member of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, chairing the large congregation’s Board of Trustees in the 1980s.
Ranch style house, one-story in red-brick under a hip roof. The exterior is quite plain in the Modernistic mode, including a corner widow, a Modernistic feature.
The original owner took out a permit in 1961 to have African American contractor Mangie McQueen, a McCrorey Heights neighbor, construct an addition at the rear, not visible from the street. There is a two-vehicle carport at the rear of the property.
Building permits
Madison 1712 permit a
Date issued: June 29, 1961
Owner: Robert Person, Jr.
Contractor: Mangie McQueen
Estimated cost: $3,000
Other permit info: To build rear addition to be used as a den and bath.
Date issued: August 10, 1953
Owner: Robert Person
Contractor: Erwin Constr. Company.
Estimated cost:
Other permit info: Build residence
Building permits
1955 — Robert Person, Jr. & Dorothy H.
He: Counselor, County Juvenile Court
She: Asst Librarian, Charlotte Public Library
1981 city directory — Robert E. Person, Jr. & Dorothy H.
He: Dir Employment Training Dept. She: No occupation listed
“Anti-Poverty worker is Fired,” Statesville Record and Landmark, December 12, 1968. On-line at: https://www.newspapers.com/image/3627713/
“Hodges Fills 16 Vacancies,” Statesville Record and Landmark, August 29, 1959. On-line at: https://www.newspapers.com/image/3754914/
“Jobless Line Up for Help,” High Point Enterprise, January 14, 1975. On-line at: https://www.newspapers.com/image/11763841/
Person, Robert Jr, “A historical study of the John Avery Boys’ Club, Inc., and its program content, from 1945-47” (1948). Collection of Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center. Paper 2681. On-line at: http://digitalcommons.auctr.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4365&context=dissertations
“School of Social Work, Announcements for 1972 – 72,” UNC Chapel Hill. On-line at: https://archive.org/stream/recordofuniversi770univ/recordofuniversi770univ_djvu.txt