1607 Madison Avenue
Built in 1956 – 57 for Otis Currie and his wife Revella A. Currie. Mr. Currie worked for the Southern Railway, considered one of the best employers in the segregation era, willing to hire African Americans in steady long-term jobs. Mrs. Currie was nurse’s aid at Mercy Hospital. The family lived in this house for over two decades.

Cottage style dwelling in red brick. The moderately steep main gable roof hides a small second story. A projecting front gabled wing holds the front entrance. There is a large “picture” window in the living room, a popular feature during the 1950s and 1960s, and a prominent exterior chimney on the west side of the house, a Cottage style characteristic.
Building permits
Madison 1607 permit a
Date issued: January 12, 1956
Owner: Otis Currie
Contractor: Charlotte Realty Co.
Estimated cost:
Other permit info: Build residence
First appeared in city directory
1957 Otis Currie & Revella A.
He: No occupation listed in ’57.
She: Nurses aid, Mercy Hospital
1959 city directory – Otis Currie is listed as employed by Southern Railway
1981 city directory – Mrs. Revella A. Currie, retired